Alexei 29 Jan 2024
Howdy partners! This page is simply a round-up of all the Handbook pages that might be useful to you during (pre)sales.
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Here’s the list:
- Scoping guide: A page explaining how we scope projects and some of the questions we ask. This one is important for you to understand.
- Scoping questionnaire: A Word document with scoping questions for some of our commonly taken services. It’s blank so feel free to add your branding, but remember, a 30-minutes call is almost always better than simply using the questionnaire.
- Anonymised Pentest Report: A real (but anonymised) pentest report for a real client. Great to use for clients who want an idea of what they’ll get.
- Sample ACSC Essential 8 Report: An example of what a report would look like for an Essential 8 Maturity Model Assessment.
- Biographical data sheets: Mini-CVs for all our consultants. Great to use when a client is concerned about certifications.
- Methodologies: What we actually do during a project. Detailed, but easy to understand.
- Pentest welcome pack: A page for new clients on what to expect from the engagement, such as what they might need to prepare, and communication timelines.
- The whole Handbook: We’re proud of our transparency. Showcasing that to clients could make them feel more comfortable trusting us with their security.
Also, not included here, but available in file form:
- Penetration Testing Sales Battlecard: A 2-pager PDF summarising the key points of our pentest services. It can be used a quick reference guide during client meetings.
- Partnership Service Catalogue: A very detailed PDF listing all of our service offerings, including pricing.