Logo types
Volkis has four logos settings. Using the primary logo is preferred in most cases.
Download locations:
Mono Logo
Download locations:
Landscape Logo
Download locations:
Brand Mark
Download locations:
Logo usage
The clear space surrounding the Volkis logo is an important part of ensuring quality representation and consistency of brand. The recommended clear space is visible in these examples. Space allows the logo to stand out and not be crowded by other typography or graphics. The minimum logo size also works to maintain consistency and clarity of the brand in reproduction. Please use great care to ensure this clarity is maintained when using the brand elements over photography or coloured backgrounds.
The preferred clear space is equal to the height of the ‘O’, as indicated. This translates to the clear space that exists within the dotted border as shown here. This area is not to be encroached by any other typography or graphics.
The absolute minimum size of the logo is 30mm wide.
The Volkis logo is the most important element of the brand and must be used consistently and appropriately in all applications, across all markets and materials. It is not to be redrawn or altered in any way. Examples of correct usage are shown following here:
- Use the logo as shown
- Use the logo on navy
- Use the reverse version of the logo on black
- Alter the logo’s composition
- Alter the colour of the logo
- Stretch the logo
- Position the logo on a clashing background
- Add a drop shadow to the logo
- Add a keyline to the logo
- Place the logo on an angle
- Alter the opacity of the logo
Colour palette
The Volkis primary colours are navy, blue and teal. The secondary colour palette is citrus and charcoal. It is important to use the specified colour breakdowns to ensure consistency across all Volkis communications.
Primary colour palette:
- Navy
- C100 M44 Y0 K80
- R0 G36 B58
- #001c32
- Blue
- C46 M15 Y0 K44
- R78 G122 B144
- #4e7a90
- Teal
- C44 M7 Y0 K34
- R94 G156 B168
- #5e9ca8
Secondary colour palette:
- Citrus
- C7 M0 Y94 K10
- R212 G229 B14
- #d4e50e
- Charcoal
- C3 M5 Y0 K76
- R59 G58 B61
- #3b3a3d
Optional colour:
- #082c44 - Navy optional (Use with Navy background)